Tips & Tricks (3)

Tips & Tricks

Tech Tips: Travel Grants & Approvals

Aside from approving and funding travel grants, InfoReady helps with the important activity of tracking safety plans and other general reporting...

Tips & Tricks

Tech Tips: No-Cost Extensions

InfoReady handles no-cost extensions for a grantee or awardee to extend their project end date and budget period, without obtaining additional funds.

Tips & Tricks

Clever Ways to Use Dates and Deadlines

Recent updates to the details page of a competition allow administrators to show or hide any field to applicants, including dates and deadlines.

Tips & Tricks

Using Multitrack Competitions

Multitrack competitions in InfoReady have the added functionality of sending applications down a customized track, based on an initial gating...

Tips & Tricks

Best Practices in Form Collection & Routing

Michael Winemiller of Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center shared his experience with introducing InfoReady at UT Southwestern and expanding its uses.