Migration Tool Expedites Move to Form Designer

  • June 7, 2024

By now, we hope you have heard of InfoReady’s powerful new Form Designer template, which has provided administrators with even more flexibility and ease of use in designing digital forms in the platform. The additional functionality has allowed admins to improve the configuration of existing competitions and provided the tools for admins to adopt InfoReady for use cases they had not previously considered.  

One of the longstanding benefits of InfoReady is that administrators can quickly launch the next cycle of an opportunity by copying a past version or using a saved template. This functionality offers huge time savings and creates consistency in your digital forms over the years. Understandably, admins are not keen to give up these benefits by starting an opportunity “from scratch” with Form Designer, especially during the busy portions of the academic year. It is certainly a conundrum weighing A) the low hanging fruit of copying an existing opportunity to save time now, versus B) investing time to build a better process for the long term.   

To those weighing this decision, we ask: Why not have the best of both worlds? 

Now there's a way to more easily migrate your existing opportunities built in the General and Funding templates into Form Designer with the Migration Tool, which will automatically copy large chunks of your existing opportunities to a draft version in the Form Designer template with just a few button clicks.  

If you choose to migrate to Form Designer, here's what will happen:

  • The Details, Routing Steps, and Notifications pages will be migrated in their entirety for launched and archived competitions.  
  • Fields from the Requirements page (i.e., application form) will not transfer; however, the fields will be provided in a separate spreadsheet. Details below. 
  • The number of Progress Reports and corresponding titles will be copied over. The field will not transfer and will be provided in a spreadsheet. Details below.  
  • You will be able to download a detailed Excel report with data from the Requirements and Progress Reports pages, including field names, answer options, instructions, and any additional settings (e.g., minimum and maximum responses, character limits)
For step-by-step guidance, visit Transferring Existing Competitions to the Form Designer Template in our Support Portal.
The Requirements page and Progress Reports fields are not being migrated because Form Designer represents such a significant leap forward from past form building options in the platform. This is your chance to really enhance your prior competitions and opportunities with the new functionality. Turn the application into a multi-page form, add sections and additional instructions to provide better clarity for a group of related questions, add eligibility questions, configure conditional logic to make the form more dynamic, and add new question types that weren’t previously available. Don’t forget to utilize the downloadable report of your previous competition to help build out the Requirements and Progress Reports pages as needed. 

We know for many of you, especially those who have been InfoReady clients for several years, the Form Designer template is a big change. We hope this Migration Tool takes much of the work off your plate so you can focus on designing the most accurate and streamlined forms for your users.

This summer, we’re also hosting additional training webinars, all of which will feature the Form Designer template to continue to help with transitioning your current processes. Browse the events page and register here!  


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