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Articles, client stories, case studies, webinars and much more fill the InfoReady blog. Contact us if you have any questions or are ready to see a demo.

Latest blog post

Five Questions to Build a Better Rubric

A rubric may be the most common way to capture feedback about an application, but not all are equal. If you’ve inherited an old version that has your head spinning or have been told to build one from scratch, these five questions will help you think through what needs to be covered. 

Colored building blocks
Product News

Introducing the New Data Grid

A major update to the Data Grid offers an updated layout and navigation options will make it easier and faster to manage your competitions.

Client Stories

Learn It, Teach It & Share It at GWU

George Washington University's Shari Thompson discusses how InfoReady improved her work so she shares it across campus.

Client Stories

Time Savings at Yale University

For twenty years manually managing the Limited Submissions process at Yale required one staff member’s full-time efforts. Then they introduced...

Tips & Tricks

Best Practices in Form Collection & Routing

Michael Winemiller of Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center shared his experience with introducing InfoReady at UT Southwestern and expanding its uses.


A Summary of Progress Report Updates

The new Progress Report release involves data migration of all existing PR data, file uploads, deadlines, and reminders to the new format.

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