Introducing Insights Dashboard

  • September 12, 2022
 We’re thrilled to introduce the Insights Dashboard! The goal is to make reporting and analysis easier, especially for larger data sets that may be spread across multiple opportunities or fiscal years. No matter the processes or tools used, these critical activities (data collection, reporting, analysis) can be challenging. We aim to save you time and energy, and help you provide good data to senior leadership in a fraction of the time it may take you already.

The Insights Dashboard is designed to streamline and standardize data collection for easier reporting and to create data visualizations that help track key data points throughout the lifecycle of any number of opportunities (e.g., measure your return on investment, identify patterns in funding distributions, program participation, etc.). The Insights Dashboard can quickly display data over periods of time and be filtered in ways that are meaningful for your organization.

Insights Template – Creating an Insights Dashboard begins by working with InfoReady to create an Insights Template. Compared to other InfoReady templates, the Insights Template is unique in that you define the key data points in the application form and progress reports that you want to consistently collect and measure. Administrators who use the template to create an opportunity cannot change or turn off these defined data points. As a result, you always get the data you need to drive your metrics across all opportunities that use the Insights Template. The great thing here is that, aside from the locked fields, administrators can customize the opportunity to manage the process however is needed.
Examples include:
  • Adding additional data points or requirements to their applications and progress reports, while preserving your data points. They get the data they need; you get what you need.
  • Designing and managing the review/approval process. No need to change what works for them in their process since you still get the data you are after.
  • Copying a launched competition that used Insights Template keeps the locked field, while also making it quick and easy for admins to launch the next cycle.

Proposal Requirements chart

Example Insights Template with locked fields mapped to the Insights Dashboard

Insights Dashboard – The dashboard brings your data to life and serves as a tool to obtain aggregate reports. A suite of visualizations allows you to monitor activity on each of your Insights Templates. Some examples of data that can be tracked include:

  • Status of all opportunities that use the template from draft through archive.
  • Application status across all opportunities from draft through award.
  • Progress report status for all awards.
  • Funding allocations for all opportunities.
  • Monitoring awards by funding source, effectively tracking your “burn down” of allocated funds.

In addition to these standard visualizations, the Insights Dashboard can bring your key data points into focus with custom visualizations.

Insights Dashboard example

Example Insights Dashboard with sample data

InfoReady Implementation – The “secret sauce” of the Dashboard is our implementation process. Work alongside a dedicated InfoReady implementation team to review your current processes and define your key data points and metrics. We start with the end in mind: What do you need measure throughout the lifecycle of opportunities to understand and/or demonstrate success? We help you determine how best to collect key pieces of data through the process. We work together to develop an Insights Dashboard that meets your needs and ensure the Insights Template is set up appropriately in order to collect the right data.

The Insights Dashboard is available as a paid add-on to any license level. Contact your Account Manager to learn more. 

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