Save Time with Downloads from Start to Finish

  • August 15, 2022
Once you make the switch from manually collecting paper or email applications to an online submissions platform, your data will all live in one centralized digital space. At various points, you will likely need to share the application and review information (e.g. file uploads, reference letters, approvals, and reviews) with committees and decision makers.

The two methods of exporting data are by PDF or spreadsheets, which automatically put all the information together for you with just a couple button clicks. Below are tips for extracting data from InfoReady at all points of an application process, which have the potential to save administrators dozens of hours of work per competition.

 Initial Submission
  • As applications are submitted, download each as a PDF to quickly check for eligibility and formatting or to share the file with relevant parties.
  • Use the Application & Applicant Details - All Fields report to view applications by status to monitor draft submissions, check the status of reference letters, or see all fields from the applications at once.

Managing the Review Process

  • Reviewers will be able to download the applications they are assigned to review as one PDF, with a table of contents to help them quickly navigate through the materials. Conversely, reviewers can also download individual application packets as needed.
  • Administrators can check on the status of completed reviews during the review process by viewing the Applications by Reviewer report
  • The Reviewer Completion Counts report provides a high-level view of each reviewer’s progress and workload.
  • The Committee Routing steps allow a default reviewer to email the committee packet PDF to committee members. The packet consists of a cover sheet of all applications under consideration, table of contents, application forms, file uploads, reference letters, submitted reviews, and a score sheet.

Choosing Awardees

  • Use the batch actions to download one or more applications as a PDF with reviews included to easily read commentary by each reviewer per application.
  • Depending on what routing step types you use, the Raw Review Data, Total Application Scores by Reviewer, and Rankings by Score reports display review feedback in a variety of ways.

Post-Award Phase

  • Ask awardees to submit progress reports, including short responses and file uploads, which become a part of their application packet.
  • Within a competition, administrators can download a spreadsheet of the progress report(s) for an individual application by going to the Progress Report section for that application or for all applications by downloading the Application & Applicant Details - All Fields report.
  • To view information across competitions, download sitewide reports from the Reports tab to answer questions like: How many seed grants did we award this year? Who are the reviewers we need to thank for their service this past semester? How many limited submissions did we post in the last 3 months?
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