Introducing our Snazzy New Form Builder
Form Designer offers administrators improvements to how they manage existing processes and the ability to manage additional more processes in...
Form Designer offers administrators improvements to how they manage existing processes and the ability to manage additional more processes in...
Suggestions for projects to take your use of InfoReady to the next level and make the platform more effective at your institution.
As the number of uses InfoReady supports has grown, clients expand their licenses, without adding administrative burden to the initial InfoReady...
InfoReady joins with UIDP to promote innovation and accelerate the development of new technologies and products for the betterment of society.
InfoReady is an invaluable tool to transform repetitive business processes from paper forms collected manually or as email attachments into digital...
George Washington University's Shari Thompson discusses how InfoReady improved her work so she shares it across campus.
The Office of Research Development at University of Rhode Island has transformed their department with the help of InfoReady.
Louisiana State Univ needed an automated platform to collect and review a growing volume of applications for limited submissions, they turned to...
For twenty years manually managing the Limited Submissions process at Yale required one staff member’s full-time efforts. Then they introduced...
Demand grew across Penn State's 24 campus as administrators realized the capabilities of the platform and it's potential to save resources.