What's New? Release 3.56 Highlights

  • January 25, 2024

InfoReady’s Sarah Yecke showcased the latest updates and features in the 3.56 Release for the InfoReady platform. Sarah explained and demonstrated the new functionalities and enhancements that users can enjoy, including improved accessibility, expanded screen options, and additional capabilities in the Form Designer template. In this blog post, we’ll provide the highlights of what Sarah shared. View the full webinar to see the demonstration of the new features and options. 

Updates for all users include enhancements to the accessibility of the platform and more information about form submissions.

  • The addition of page names in browser tabs to assist in navigating the platform.
  • Date and time of a submission in the user interface.
  • Proxy submitter information is now available in Reports and the PDF packet.
  • The option to expand the current screen (page) allowing users to make the most of their screen real estate while working within the platform.

For those using the Form Designer template, you’ll see a number of enhancements that offer users more flexibility in designing and customizing forms, to capture diverse data and streamline the application process.

  • Repeatable sections. You just build the section one time and then your applicants can kind of keep clicking add new as many times as you allow them to kind of repeat those entries. A sample use is to collect contact information and CVs on team members.
  • Single choice matrix question type. This is a new question type where the applicant selects one response per row from columns of options. It works well for groups of questions that have the same list of potential responses. The idea here is that instead of creating many multiple-choice questions that all have the same responses, you just create the one matrix, which feels less overwhelming to the applicant. An example is a series of questions where you want applicants to rate their level of interest in the options.
  • Ability to hide fields from applicants. There's a new magical checkbox within all questions that lets you hide fields from applicants. A great use for this feature is when you want to add some private comments or things that you want to share with the reviewers, but don't want to share with applicants. At the end of 2023, we released the option to hide fields from reviewers and now you also hide them from applicants. These features work independently, so you can hide things from reviewers and not hide from applicants or vice versa.

Then Sarah teased the new routing steps features coming in late spring 2024.

  • Form Designer functionality into Build My Own Form for routing steps. Soon you can use the same form builder that you're used to seeing on the requirements and progress reports in the routing steps.
  • Return for Revisions function to allow an administrator or reviewer (say a mentor or advisor) to send a form back to an applicant at a designated point in the review process.

Details on these new routing steps will come as we get closer to their release dates. Watch for monthly training webinars and information on product releases.

This webinar demonstrated the recent enhancements into the platform's evolving capabilities, promising a more user-friendly, efficient, and customizable experience. With a focus on user-centric innovation, InfoReady demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and innovation, ensuring that users have access to valuable features and functionalities.


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