Introducing the New Data Grid

  • November 11, 2021
InfoReady released a major update to the Data Grid (in November 2021), formerly the Enhanced Application Grid. The development team has taken your collective feedback and made significant updates to the layout and functionality of the Grid, including new batch actions and additional exporting options for PDFs. The updated layout and navigation options will make it easier and faster to manage your competitions.

Administrator View and Terminology

  • The former pages/menu buttons for Details, Original Application Grid, and Enhanced Application Grid are all being replaced by ‘Manage’. For fans of the Original App Grid, details in the “Navigating the Grid” section below should allay any concerns you may have.
  • The aforementioned changes mean the initial page administrators land on when they go to manage competitions is switching from the Details page to the new ‘Manage’ page, which includes the updated Data Grid and collapsible sections with the competition details.
  • The ‘Edit’ button will now be a standalone button in the menu to the right, making it much easier to find and navigate to.
  • The labels of the 9 local navigation buttons on the right are being updated as well. The new labels are: Manage, Edit, Activity Log, Preview, Share, Submit by Proxy, Copy, Delete, Archive.
  • The scheduled send date for the next automated Digest Email will be displayed.
  • Competition admins will now be able to provide read-only access to the Data Grid for any individual. This is a great feature for inviting senior leadership to see a summary of the applications and reviews and facilitate quicker decision-making.

Navigating the Grid 

  • The new Data Grid has both ‘Simple’ and ‘Full’ views for each tab. Admins who prefer the Original Application Grid will be able to easily continue using a similar view to the one they are accustomed to.
  • Admins will be able to customize the Data Grid to include any fields from the application form as columns on the grid. This includes reference letter and file upload statuses. Quick search fields will be available for each column.
  • Columns can be rearranged and widths resized as needed. The grid can be expanded to full screen.
  • The custom created views can be saved by administrators for later use.

Batch Actions

  • The Continue button is being removed and instead the appropriate pop-up box with further options will be triggered immediately after the desired batch action is selected from the drop down.
  • More options for downloading application packets as PDFs, including what content to include or whether you want the application packets in a single file or separate files (in a .zip folder).
  • Two new batch actions: 1) Add Note and 2) Skip Routing Step. Both actions can be taken for multiple applications at once.
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