How to Use Pivot-RP & InfoReady Together

  • March 17, 2025

The integration between Pivot-RP® by Ex Libris (a Clarivate company) and InfoReady is a fantastic way for you to quickly move from discovering a funding opportunity to starting to gather applications. It can even help you create a tailored list of relevant opportunities for researchers!

Research rockstar Hayley Bohall, a longtime InfoReady admin and Senior Director of Research Development at Arizona State University (ASU), shared how she uses this integration to streamline her limited submissions process. Hayley relies on this integration every week and has kindly shared some of her best practices for managing her workflow.


Here are her tips:
  • Try using saved searches from Pivot-RP® to easily find postings in various categories for your institution.
  • Set up templates in InfoReady for the parts that Pivot-RP® doesn't fill in, like the application form and review process. This way, when you transfer the opportunity from Pivot-RP®, you're almost ready to go!
  • Feel free to skip any unnecessary fields from the Pivot-RP® listing to make posting easier.
  • You can also have a student employee explore Pivot-RP® and set up draft competitions in InfoReady, which the administrator can launch whenever they’re ready.
    • Bonus: The student spends more time learning about the research process and specific funding organization requirements, and less time on mindlessly copying and pasting data between systems.
  • Keep a handy list of recurring opportunities to easily build your internal timelines each year.

We're so grateful to Hayley for sharing her insights and expertise with everyone at our webinar. Her experience with the Pivot-RP® to InfoReady integration really shines a light on a fantastic tool that helps administrators save precious time.

 Are you an administrator with accounts in both Pivot-RP® and InfoReady? If so, contact to set up the integration at no additional cost.
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