Universities are always looking for ways to increase their productivity while saving both human and financial resources. In the case of the University of Central Florida, team members in the Office of Research Development noticed the trend toward burnout for staff and administrators in charge of managing limited submissions and internal funding. Because these processes were time-sensitive and mostly via email, they felt they needed to respond to inquiries during their non-working hours. This was both unhealthy and inefficient, so they started to look for a solution to address these issues. Beginning in 2018, UCF adopted InfoReady, which has proved an invaluable tool as they scale their research development programs.
In a recent webinar, Joshua Roney, PhD, Associate Director of Research Development, shared how InfoReady helped relieve staff fatigue and increase the institution’s research activity. Below are highlights of the benefits they’ve seen for their core programs, as well as how they’ve grown through strategic partnerships at the university.
Limited Submissions
Internal Programs
University Partnerships
We want to thank Dr. Roney for sharing his outcomes and best practices, which show that overall, InfoReady has helped the RD team at UCF achieve their goals. Submission and review processes are simpler, quality control is higher, and staff burnout is lower. As Dr. Roney notes: “In most cases, it has been very flexible and hasn’t interfered with the way we want to run our processes.” They have been able to configure competitions to support various programs across the university, expanding their office and institutional impact simultaneously.