Colleges and universities must track a significant amount of faculty activity, ranging from teaching load to scholarly output to service. All of it requires proper business processes to stay organized and keep from overwhelming stakeholders. One process we've seen managed more frequently in InfoReady lately are Sabbatical and scholarly leave requests. Faculty members submit requests in InfoReady, administrators run the request through an approval/review process, then communicate out the final decision to stakeholders, and even collect follow-up forms. All this happens in InfoReady
- The reasoning for the requests may vary and require different documentation for each type (e.g., travel vs. writing).
- Many levels of approval are required, with reasoning needed at each step.
- Once leave is approved, individuals must be notified to coordinate follow-up administrative activities and to collect follow-up forms.
- Consider using the Multitrack template to separate different types of requests.
- Build a routing step for each level of approval, and pass feedback on at each stage. InfoReady has multiple ways to automate the approval process.
- During the award process, copy any relevant stakeholders, such as Human Resources, Registrar, and Payroll representatives.
- Consider an outbound data feed from InfoReady to your HR or faculty management system to automatically update these other systems with the approval decision.
- Use Progress Reports to collect follow-up forms from faculty who received approval.