Limited Submissions Made Easy

  • April 23, 2018
Daniel Moseke, Program Manager, Research Development from the University of Arizona and Shari Thompson, Research Enhancement Analyst from the George Washington University recently presented during an InfoReady webinar.

These two limited submissions experts highlighted the ability of InfoReady to simplify the entire process, from discovering opportunities to tracking ROI from the winning proposal. The ability to simultaneously standardize and customize their workflow has resulted in more limited submissions opportunities being posted and applied to at both institutions.

With limited submissions, institutions are only allowed to submit a certain number of proposals for a given extramural funding opportunity. In an increasingly competitive environment for funding, the ultimate goal is to put the best proposal forward, and according to these experts, InfoReady Review facilitates that process with ease.

Below are tips from the panelists to use throughout the limited submissions process:

Managing Workflow

  • Map out all deadlines ahead of time, working backward from the sponsor’s proposal submission deadline.
  • Use project management tools like Asana or Trello to make it easier to see overlapping deadlines, task assignments, and track progress on a variety of checklists

Finding Limited Submission Opportunities

  • Create filters in Pivot specifically for limited submissions. Then utilize Review’s integration with Pivot to push opportunities directly to your Review site.
  • Sign up for funding agency and peer institution e-mail newsletters.
  • Create and communicate a standardized process for faculty to get the opportunity officially posted in your Review site. For example, create a simple, ongoing competition in Review to gather basic details that an Administrator can use to input the full competition details.
  • Set recurring reminders in your calendar or project management tool for annual or invitation-only opportunities.

Announcing and Sharing Opportunities

  • In Review, use the Share button within the Manage view to send out an email to individuals or a listserv and get a direct link to the opportunity
  • Include the hyperlinked opportunity on websites and newsletters to drive traffic to your Review site and familiarize users with your limited submissions process

Designing the Application Process

  • Details: Add custom fields to highlight any deadlines not included in the standard template, and upload any templates, fact sheets, or departmental announcements.
  • Requirements: Follow restrictions of the sponsoring organization on page limits, file types, and formatting to make the process easier for the eventual ticket winner.
  • Add a custom field for applicants to list reviewers who should be recused from their applications.

Selecting Reviewers

  • Try to recruit a large pool of reviewers from a variety of functional areas.
  • Create an online reviewer sign up form that can be linked on websites and weekly newsletters.
  • Manage conflicts of interest upfront by crosschecking department affiliations.
  • If a reviewer from your pool is also an applicant, do not assign them to review any applications.

Notifications and Communication

  • Run competition and system-wide reports from your Review site to share with stakeholders
  • Include Application ID on all correspondence about the proposal to track activity outside Review site (e.g., business office, institutional review boards).
  • Customize notification messages to applicants to include specific feedback and next steps in the limited submissions process.

We want to thank Daniel and Shari for sharing their insights from their respective institutions and how InfoReady Review fits into their overall limited submissions process. Both shared best practices they’ve developed over time to streamline their workflow and improve communication with all stakeholders.

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