Using InfoReady for Internal Peer Reviews to External Programs

  • January 15, 2019

Congratulations to Katie Howard, Associate Director of Grants Resources and Services from Appalachian State University, who won the InfoReady Review Client Success Story Contest. Thank you to all who participated! We received many great entries and are always thrilled to hear about the various ways InfoReady Review is positively impacting the programs and processes you manage at your institutions.

By: Katie Howard, Associate Director of Grants Resources and Services, Appalachian State University

 InfoReady has been making our lives easier at Appalachian State University for over a year now. Recently though, we've launched a new program at our institution called the "EDIT "(External Draft Intervention Team) program, which is a program for internal faculty to peer review proposals that are being prepared for external submission (not limited submission programs). EDIT functions like a "red team" to enable us to be more competitive externally while utilizing our internal resources. This is our first attempt to build a program like this here at Appalachian and it's already been very popular with applicants, and reviewers.

Applications are accepted into InfoReady Review as attachments, and we use the "File Upload" routing step feature for the reviewers to submit their feedback. We've heard that although the reviews themselves take time, the process itself is now simple, and allows flexibility and anonymity, if desired. Some reviewers print the applications, mark them up with a pen, and then scan the feedback in for upload, or they use track changes in Word, or the markup feature in Adobe. This program also gives us early notice about people who are applying for a grant externally (they have to submit a draft for feedback no later than a month before the external deadline), and enables us to liaise in a timely fashion with our colleagues in Sponsored Programs who will be helping the applicant submit the grant. It's a win-win-win (for the applicant, reviewer, and Office of Research)!


We love hearing about all of the unique and clever ways administrators are using InfoReady Review. If you would like to share your story with other administrators, please contact us at

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