Arkansas State's Create @State Award Winners

  • May 6, 2020
 InfoReady is very proud to help support student research creative development at Arkansas State University. Create @ State is a year-long program that "provides our traditional and online students with opportunities to become engaged in faculty mentored research and creativity with industry, community, and alumni for student learning and community building."

The program culminates each year with the Create @ State Symposium to showcase the co-curricular research, scholarly, and creative works of Arkansas State students in a professional setting, with judges being those from industry, stakeholders, alumni, community leaders, and administration. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic the symposium had to be moved to a virtual format; however, thanks to the collective efforts of the A-State community, the Create @ State program was still able to share and celebrate a year's worth of student success! Ms. Devereux described the situation and the process of making it an inclusive virtual experience in an article for ASPA.

During a Peer Spotlight webinar last year, Ms. Devereux discussed how A-State uses InfoReady Review to help manage student research programs, including Create @ State.

InfoReady is happy to have endowed two different awards for Create @ State: "Best Business Pitch" in the Neil Griffin College of Business and "Undergraduate Creative Media" award in the College of Liberal Arts and Communication. This year our very own Carlos Moncada, Director of Client Services, was invited to participate as a judge.

Award Winners

College of Sciences & Mathematics

Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Oral Presentation: Emily Hendrix, Antioxidant activity of stilbenoid-rich extracts from peanut hairy root cultures; Dr. Fabricio Medina-Bolivar, mentor

Dean’s Award for Graduate Oral Presentation: Rokib Hasan, Arachidin-3, A natural product derived from peanut hairy roots, inhibits LPS-induced inflammation by suppressing the NF ‑κB signaling pathway; Dr. Fabricio Medina-Bolivar, mentor

Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Poster Presentation: Rebecca Martin, Synthesis if new 2-Aminopyrimidines; Dr. John Hershberger, mentor

Dean’s Award for Graduate Poster Presentation: Richard Lin, Sankalpa Chakraborty, Sabrina Tahseen (co-presenters), Aberrant cardiac long non coding RNA profile following altered thyroid hormone levels; Dr. Viswanathan Rajagopalan, mentor

College of Nursing & Health Professions

Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Oral Presentation: Joseph Austin, Teachers’ perception on screen time in fifth and sixth grade classrooms; Dr. Susan Snellgrove, mentor

Dean’s Award for Graduate Oral Presentation: Randi Wright, Education’s impact on HPV immunization rates in rural Arkansas; Dr. Stanley Foster, mentor

Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Poster Presentation: Ashlyn Blankenship, Micra Transcatheter pacing system; Donna Caldwell, mentor

Dean’s Award for Graduate Poster Presentation: Nick Haywood, Assessment of pre-participation injury risk factors in FBS intercollegiate football players; Dr. Scott Bruce, mentor

College of Agriculture

Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Poster Presentation:Jessica Krob, Spatial variability of plant injury and response from Lygus lineolaris feeding in Mid-South cotton; Dr. Tina Gray Teague & Dr. John Nowlin, mentors

Dean’s Award for Graduate Poster Presentation: Daniel Shults, A Spatiotemporal analysis of surface water installation in the Cache and L’anguille river regions of Northeastern Arkansas; Dr. John Nowlin, mentor

Neil Griffin College of Business 

Business Pitch (InfoReady Endowed Award): Zach Ruple, MonoMyth Studios; Dr. Hilary Schloemer, mentor

Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Oral Presentation: Bryce Jefferson, The sky is falling as rivers rise: Adapting to increased rainfall along the Mississippi river basin; Dr. Gauri Guha, mentor

Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Poster Presentation: Melanie Ricker & Alexus Leonard (co-presenters), Scarlet to Black: A comprehensive student-led approach to financial literacy; Dr. Philip Tew, mentor

College of Education and Behavioral Science

Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Oral Presentation: Sara Brown, Impact of educational television viewed in childhood on college students; Dr. David Saarnio, mentor

Dean’s Award for Graduate Oral Presentation: Anaëlle Charles, Evaluating the accuracy of two VO 2max prediction methods in Division I cross-country runners; Dr. Veronika Pribyslavaska, mentor

Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Poster Presentation:Lucianne Burner, The effects of acute exercise on an ACT prep test and Brunel Mood Scale; Dr. Blair Dean, mentor

College of Engineering and Computer Science

Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Oral Presentation: Vu Nguyen, Face recognition attendance checking assistant for classroom on android smartphone; Dr. Jake Qualls, mentor

Dean’s Award for Graduate Oral Presentation: Christopher Jones, Tunable nanoparticle surfaces for advanced propulsion; Dr. Brandon Kemp, mentor

Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Poster Presentation: Andrew Hemund, Modular system design for photovoltaic power generation in Northeast Arkansas; Dr. Rajesh Sharma, mentor

Dean’s Award for Graduate Poster Presentation: Sumon Roy, Multiscale evaluation of paving asphalt binders under different aging environments; Dr. Zahid Hossain, mentor

College of Liberal Arts and Communication

Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Oral Presentation: Connor Scroggins, Musical logic: Or, the language of uncertain experience; Dr. Timothy Crist, mentor

Undergraduate Creative Media (InfoReady Endowed Award): Kierra Crenshaw, Parental Guidance; Dr. Katherine Baker, mentor

Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Poster Presentation: Samantha Hostetler, Presidential inaugural addresses; Dr. Andrea Davis, mentor
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